
Rochester Health Engagement Partners

Creating Healthier Lives Together



African Americans disproportionately suffer from health issues more than any other population. There is compelling evidence that there is a definite need for the population to be educated, empowered and given the tools to change their health outcomes. It is necessary that the nation’s health improve. That requires federal, state and local agencies to work with communities at a grass roots level.

Rochester Health Engagement (RHEP), was formed in 2007 by 4 African American Women that worked in the health care industry. Our individual professions required that we do presentations in the community. We would constantly hear from attendees that they were happy to see that we were African American and they could identify with us. People that looked like them, speaking to them!

We decided that we would give the community what they wanted. We held quarterly seminars and events that were well attended. Speakers were experts in their field and African American. We created the Highly Acclaimed High Blood Pressure Contest in coordination with The National Kidney Foundation. Other entities have used the contest to bring awareness and education of high blood pressure. The number of African Americans who have tested their blood pressure because of this contest is astounding!

RHEP is now solely operated by Cynthia Barnes Adell with the approval of the former partners. Cynthia is continuing the vision and work that was done. Empowering People to Live Healthier Lives.

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Rochester Health Engagement Partners makes formal introductions to the African American faith-based leadership and receives endorsement to:

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To provide services and resources to diverse communities of all races, interview local experts via television to reach targeted audience.

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An emphasis will be placed on social, emotional, physical, mental and environmental health inclusive of, but not limited to:

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